Hi, my name is Lily Maid, and today I'm guest-flogging for bookishpixie April. We'll be back next week, but today I'm here to talk to you about networking. Writing is often a really solitary job, and no matter whether you're pursuing self or traditional publication, networking is a useful, if at times overwhelming, skill to learn. Networking is a fancy business term for making connections. Developing relationships with people in your field is the easiest way to get ahead in a crowded market. The word networking itself can feel intimidating. It's easier to face and think about if you look at it simply as building friendships. Networking is little more than socializing with people in your industry. Friends can promote and boost each other, as well as provide a sympathetic and understanding ear when you're struggling. This is also a good way to find critique partners. Start by making friends on your level. If you don't have an agent yet, look up critique partner matchups or Twitter pitch contests like pitch Wars and author mentor max. If you are agented, reach out to other writers within your agency, and if you have a book deal, reach out to fellow authors releasing in the same year. You want to start low and small. Quality over quantity is the goal here. You won't be able to juggle 15 new friendships at once, and if you're trying to befriend a famous bestseller when you aren't even agented, it's probably going to rain fall. That doesn't mean you can't have friendships with people more influential than you. The key is to make sure that they are genuine connections. Don't try and force anything. The trickiest part is figuring out where to seek connections. The cheapest and easiest place is online. Twitter is a great literary connector. It's...
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